City MP demands reassurance on financial service industry jobs

Alison Thewliss MP sitting at her desk in Parliament

SNP MP, Alison Thewliss, has written to UK Chancellor, George Osborne, demanding urgent reassurance and support for jobs in Glasgow’s key international financial services district.

Following yesterday’s decision for Britain to leave the European Union – despite all of Scotland voting overwhelmingly to remain – there are now major concerns as to what this decision will mean for jobs in the financial services sector.

On Friday, Morgan Stanley announced that it was moving 2,000 jobs from London to Dublin and Frankfurt.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Thousands of high value jobs in Glasgow City Centre are dependent on the financial services industry. Such is the strength of the industry that a large part of the city centre is actually designated as the international financial services district, which was built with EU cash.

“Since polls closed and pointed to a leave vote, we have seen the pound plummet and UK economy stall. At least one company in London has already announced that it is moving jobs out of the UK and into another EU member state. I am deeply concerned about the consequences of yesterday’s vote for our city and the local economy.

“The Chancellor needs to step in immediately and give support and urgent reassurance to Glasgow – his party has caused this mess. It needs cleaned up without delay.”

MP hails 40 years of “inspirational” work of Rape Crisis Centre

Alison Thewliss MP with Mhairi Black MP and representatives of Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre

Alison Thewliss, SNP MP for Glasgow Central, has hailed forty years of “inspirational” work from the Rape Crisis Centre in Glasgow.

This week, along with Paisley and Renfrewshire South MP Mhairi Black, the SNP duo visited Glasgow Rape Crisis Centre to hear about their work and the challenges they face. 2016 marks the charity’s fortieth year since being established in Scotland’s largest city.

Commenting after visiting the organisation which is based in her constituency, Ms Thewliss said:

“For the last forty years, Rape Crisis has been doing inspirational work to support women survivors of rape, sexual assault and sexual abuse. So much of this work goes totally unrecognised and happens under the radar, but it is vital in supporting vulnerable women in Glasgow from all kinds of backgrounds.

“Getting the opportunity to spend some time with the staff at the centre this week was hugely valuable in terms of getting an insight into the complex challenges they face in supporting women through unimaginably horrific situations.

“It’s a bittersweet moment to celebrate forty years of an organisation that shouldn’t have to exist in this day and age. However, the figures show that too many rapes still go unreported and the conviction rate is still far, far too low. We need to remember that, although the majority – 97% – of rape cases don’t result in conviction, it’s still absolutely imperative the survivors of rape and sexual abuse are given sensitive and confidential support as they try to rebuild their lives.

“The work that Rape Crisis staff and volunteers do from their Support to Report project right down to their first response helpline is absolutely vital, and I very much look forward to taking forward a number of issues they raised with me to day which I, in turn, will be taking up with the Scottish and UK Governments.”

Alison Thewliss MP pledges to Count Armed Forces Community In

Alison Thewliss MP supporting the Royal British Legion

Alison Thewliss MP has declared her support for The Royal British Legion and Poppyscotland’s Count Them In campaign, which calls for questions on the Armed Forces community to be included in the next UK Census.

It is estimated that there are currently between 6.5 million and 6.7 million members of the Armed Forces community living in the UK, representing about a tenth of the population. However, little is currently known about the exact numbers, location and needs of this significant group. Including new questions on the next census would provide public bodies, local authorities, and charities with valuable information to ensure they are able to deliver the best services they can for our Armed Forces community.

Ms Thewliss met with representatives of The Royal British Legion, veterans and Service personnel to discuss the campaign in Parliament on Monday 13 June.

Ms Thewliss said of the meeting: “It was a pleasure to meet with members of the Armed Forces community who, along with their families, make huge sacrifices in the service of our country. I also enjoyed meeting with staff from The Royal British Legion and hearing more about their Count Them In campaign.

I was very disappointed to learn that we currently know more about the UK’s Jedi community than we do about our Armed Forces. It cannot be right that our Servicemen and women, veterans and their families are effectively hidden from official statistics, and that’s why I’m backing the call for new questions to be added to the next UK Census. We count on them – let’s count them in.”

Chris Simpkins, Director-General of The Royal British Legion, said: “As a nation we promise to provide lifelong care and support for those who serve our country. By adding questions to the 2021 UK Census, we can help public bodies and charities deliver the best services they can for our Armed Forces community, when and where it is needed most. We thank Alison for adding her support to our campaign: together I’m confident that we can make the next census count for our Armed Forces community”

Constituents can find out more about the campaign by visiting the campaign website,, or by posting their own pledge of support on social media using the #CountThemIn hashtag.

Alison Thewliss MP supports campaign for a Living Wage in the Water Industry

Alison Thewliss MP campaigning for a Living Wage in the Water Industry with representatives from the trade union Unison.

I was delighted to show my support last week for “Making Waves for the Living Wage,” a nationwide UNISON campaign calling on all UK the water companies to sign up as accredited Living Wage employers with the Living Wage Foundation.

I know from my meetings with constituents that being paid less than the Living Wage is a big problem for many workers in Glasgow Central. Failure to pay the Living Wage results in people being unable to provide for themselves and their families.

Research from the New Policy Institute found that less than 10% of employees in the water industry were paid below the Living Wage in 2014. I know that when I pay my water bill each month – and it isn’t getting any cheaper – I expect to see it spent on decent wages for vital staff in the water industry.

The UNISON campaign “Making Waves for the Living Wage” has resulted in six major water companies signing up as living wage employers including my local water company, Scottish Water.

I believe that every employer in the water sector including customer call centre operators, catering staff, cleaners and security guards need to be paid the wages they need to live on.

This is a vital campaign and I am proud to support every effort to make the water industry the leading sector paying the National Living Wage.

Alison Thewliss MP attends launch of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health

Alison Thewliss MP attending the launch of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women's Health

Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central, attended a reception hosted by Paula Sherriff MP, chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health, at the Palace of Westminster to show her support for efforts to raise awareness of women’s health conditions, and empower women to seek appropriate treatment.

Women are not being treated with the appropriate respect and sensitivity according to MPs and health campaigners who together are launching a new All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health.
The group aims to empower women to ensure that they can make an informed choice about the best treatment for them and that they are treated with dignity and respect.

The event was attended by many parliamentarians, and was supported by a number of representatives from charities and the medical and nursing Royal Colleges, patients, health professionals and the general public. Speakers included Katie Piper, television presenter and founder of the Katie Piper Foundation, feminist campaigner Caroline Criado-Perez, Angela Rippon, television journalist, newsreader and presenter and patients and Dr Gina Radford, Deputy Chief Medical Officer at the Department of Health.

Paula Sherriff MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Health, said:

“It is not acceptable that in 21st Century Britain, women are not treated with appropriate sensitivity and respect in our NHS. The NHS does an excellent job looking after us, but a universal culture should be adopted across the service where dignity is the key word.

“I hope that our open letter to Jeremy Hunt and NHS England calling for this culture shift, and the launch of this Group, serves as notice that MPs are determined to campaign for an NHS where women are able to make confident informed choices about their own health and they are supported with respect and dignity.”

Alison Thewliss MP stated:

“I was keen to show my support for efforts to raise awareness of women’s health conditions that have not received the attention that they deserve. It is important that we all understand these conditions and ensure women are treated in the way that every patients wants to be, with the necessary dignity and respect.”

MP Thewliss backs Carers Week

Alison Thewliss MP supporting Carers Week 2016

Alison Thewliss MP today pledged her support to carers across Glasgow Central as part of the national Carers Week 2016 awareness campaign, which runs from 6-12th June. There are 6.5 million people in the UK who care for a partner, relative or friend, of which 6324 carers are in Glasgow Central.

The seven charities driving Carers Week 2016 are calling on individuals, organisations and services throughout the country to improve the lives of carers by building ‘Carer Friendly Communities’ – encouraging all parts of the community to think about carers and do things differently to support them.

The call comes after research for Carers Week revealed that a combination of inadequate support from local services and a lack of understanding about caring from wider society is having a negative impact on carers’ health, wellbeing, relationships and finances.

Glasgow Central MP Alison Thewliss said:

“Carers make a huge contribution to our society, providing vital and often hidden support to friends and family members. That is why I am supporting Carers Week 2016 and encouraging services across Glasgow Central to think about what more they can do to help meet the needs of carers and make our communities more Carer Friendly.”

Emily Holzhausen, who leads the Carers Week partnership, said:

“With an ever increasing number of families taking on caring roles for older, ill or disabled loved ones, it is great to see MPs showing their support for carers.

While carers have told us that it makes a huge difference when they are recognised and supported by their local services and communities, too many carers tell us they struggling to balance caring with other areas of their lives. By working together during Carers Week we have a huge opportunity to make our communities more Carer Friendly and make a difference to those who contribute so much”.

Carers Week is made possible by Carers UK joining forces with Age UK, Carers Trust, Independent Age, Macmillan Cancer Support, Motor Neurone Disease Association and MS Society.

Thousands of events are taking place across the country this week, and thousands of people have already pledged their support for carers online. To find out more about events in Glasgow visit

One year on as your MP

Infographic showing Alison Thewliss MP's work since being elected as MP for Glasgow Central in May 2015

It is now just over a year since I was elected to serve as the MP for Glasgow Central. It has been an honour and a privilege to stand up for people across the constituency and I look forward to many more opportunities to speak up for my constituents over the coming year.

Guide Dogs Reception in Parliament

Alison Thewliss MP supporting the Access All Areas campaign at a reception for Guide Dogs in Parliament

I was delighted to attend the Guide Dogs lobby event in Westminster today and to support the Access All Areas campaign. I look forward to raising awareness of the responsibilities of taxi and private hire drivers in ensuring that blind and visually impaired people who use assistance dogs are able to access their vehicles.

Alison Thewliss MP supports campaign to help those struggling financially

Alison Thewliss MP supporting the Benefits Aware campaign by the welfare charity Turn2us

Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central, has shown her support for a new campaign targeted at supporting those struggling financially. The #BenefitsAware campaign, launched by national charity Turn2us, aims to raise awareness of unclaimed support that those in financial hardship may be unaware of.

New research by the charity found that half (50%) of low income households in Scotland are not claiming the welfare benefits and tax credits they could be entitled to. This is despite the fact that a huge 86% of this group have seen no improvement to their financial situation over the last year.

Nearly three-fifths (58%) of those in Scotland who aren’t receiving this support said they had been deterred from checking or claiming potential benefits entitlements because they did not think they would be eligible. In addition, over one in ten (11%) said they were unsure of how or where to find out about this help. As a result, over three-quarters (77%) have not checked what welfare benefits they could be entitled to within the last year.

Furthermore, over two-thirds (67%) would not consider checking their benefits entitlements if their income dropped, and only 2% would turn to a charity for help. Yet nearly two-fifths (37%) said they would cut back on gas, electricity and other essentials, and over a quarter (28%) would resort to cutting back on food.

Ms Thewliss pledged her support for the campaign at a special event in parliament this week, commenting:

“Anyone can find themselves struggling financially and it’s really important that those needing help know where to turn. The benefits system can be a bit daunting, especially if you’ve never claimed before, which is why the Turn2us #BenefitsAware campaign is so important.

“Over £15bn in welfare benefits went unclaimed last year with £2.8bn in Pension Credit not being taken up. It is nothing short of a tragedy that many of those who are entitled to that support are cutting back on essentials such and food or electricity, or turning to unscrupulous lenders.”

Turn2us is urging anyone in need to use its free and confidential Benefits Calculator at to see what they could be entitled to and how to make a claim. The website also features information on benefits and other help for a range of different circumstances.

Simon Hopkins, Chief Executive of Turn2us said:

“Through our campaign, we want to show that financial hardship can happen for many different reasons and could affect anyone at any time in their lives. Welfare benefits exist to provide a vital source of support for people in need, including those who are in-work. We would urge anyone struggling to visit our website today to check what support could be available.”

For more information about the campaign, please visit

UN launches probe into “pernicious” two child policy

The UN launches an investigation into the Tory rape clause and two child policy for tax credits, following a campaign led by SNP MP Alison Thewliss

SNP MP, Alison Thewliss, has welcomed moves by the United Nations to launch an investigation into the UK’s proposed rape clause and two child policy for tax credits.

In February, Ms Thewliss wrote to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary General of the United Nations, and asked the UN to investigate whether the UK Government’s proposed rape clause and two child policy breached the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, which the UK signed in 1990.

The SNP politician believes that the UK Government’s “medieval” proposals could breach at least five of the fifty-four articles in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child.

Recently, the UN responded to Ms Thewliss and confirmed that it also had concerns about the UK’s proposed welfare policies. Accordingly, the UN’s Committee on the Rights of the Child will be launching an investigation next week.

Ms Thewliss welcomed the UN’s intervention and said:

“Everyone knows that the medieval two child policy and rape clause is unworkable, immoral and is now almost certainly in contravention of the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, which the UK signed up to almost twenty five years ago.

“I warmly welcome the UN’s decision to intervene and shine a very bright light onto this cruel and thoughtless Government, which appears hell bent on making life as difficult as possible for ordinary people.

“It is clear that, over the last ten months, the Tories had hoped this campaign would be quietly dropped but the fact it has caught the attention of the UN suggests this policy is now totally untenable. The UN probe is a major boost to our campaign to end the pernicious two child policy and rape clause.

“This Government simply cannot be allowed to get away with a policy that is tantamount to social engineering.”