Alison Thewliss, the Member of Parliament for Glasgow Central, has urged constituents to know their rights as officers begin raiding the homes of the first people to be deported to Rwanda.

These raids come following the recent passing of the Safety of Rwanda Act, which declared the central African nation safe following concerns raised by the Supreme Court last year.

A video released by the Home Office showed officers entering homes and bringing out people detained in handcuffs, before putting them in the back of secure vans.

The UK Government has previously said it has 2,200 “detention spaces”, alongside 200 new caseworkers and 500 “highly trained escorts” ready.

They added that planes have been booked, with flights set to take off in nine to 11 weeks’ time.

But the UK Government is facing a fresh legal challenge from the FDA trade union representing senior civil servants, who say following the law – which allows ministers to ignore rulings from the European Court of Human Rights – could see them breaching the Civil Service Code.

Thewliss has spoken of the need for constituents to know their rights as these raids begin, urging them to get in touch with the relevant contacts if they are in need.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The tweet from the Home Office yesterday was utterly sickening. To watch the UK Government revel in a clear breach of human rights is wicked and shameful.

“While I do not have any knowledge or information on who may detained or removed, or how these decisions will be made, it is important that my constituents know their rights.

“If you have received any letters from the Home Office which mention Rwanda, please make sure that you contact your lawyer immediately. 

“If you are asked to attend an immigration appointment, please make sure a friend or relative knows where and when you are going and can call your lawyer if they do not hear from you after 2 hours. 

“If you don’t have someone to do this, the No Evictions Network can also provide someone. If there is an emergency or you have been detained, please also contact No Evictions Emergency Hotline (07438318003) or email

“Please do not hesitate to get in touch with my office if you are a constituent affected during this difficult time.”



Alison Thewliss, the SNP’s Home Affairs Spokesperson, has condemned the UK Government as the Rwanda Bill reaches the final stages.

Thewliss spoke on the Rwanda Bill in the House of Commons today after a series of defeats for the UK Government forced a parliamentary showdown.

The Lords voted by 258 votes to 233 that the safety of Rwanda (asylum and immigration) bill has “due regard” for international and key domestic laws, including human rights and modern slavery legislation.

Later, peers backed by 266 votes to 227 a requirement that Rwanda cannot be treated as a safe country until an independent monitoring body has verified that protections contained in the Rwanda treaty are fully implemented and remain in place.

A short time later, in a third Government defeat, the Lords again insisted by 253 votes to 236 on an amendment to restore the jurisdiction of domestic courts in relation to the safety of Rwanda and to enable them to intervene.

Peers also voted by 275 to 218 to press a demand for those who have worked with the UK military or government overseas, such as Afghan interpreters, to be exempted from removal.

Despite repeated defeats in the Lords, the UK Government’s large majority means the amendments made by peers are likely to be overturned.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The Rwanda Bill is a clear example of human trafficking. This UK Tory Government are doing all they can to try and make this plan seem like it is not, but we all know the truth.

“As I said in the chamber today, the Rwanda Bill is a turd that can’t be polished. It is a despicable and wicked Bill being introduced as a way for the UK Government to hide from the fact they are incredibly out of their depth. It sickens me to the core that the Tories feel this is how we should treat human beings.

“Instead of prioritising how quickly they can ship some of the most vulnerable people in the world off to Rwanda, the Tory Government should focus on creating safe and legal routes for people to seek safety here and contribute to our society, and look to support households across the UK with energy and mortgage bills.

“With Labour and the Tories intent on punishing those seeking safety in the UK instead of helping them, it’s clear that their priorities and values do not align with Scotland’s. 

“That is why it is so important that Scotland continues to have a strong team of SNP MPs at Westminster – to make Scotland’s voice and values heard. That can only happen by voting SNP at the next general election.”



Alison Thewliss, the SNP’s Home Affairs Spokesperson, has called on the UK Government to introduce a Palestinian Family Visa Scheme as a petition on the topic reaches more than 100,000.

The petition has urged the UK Government to introduce this scheme to ensure Palestinians can enter the UK safely and urgently.

The petition, which has reached more than 100,000 signatures, explains:

“We want the government to take action and create a Visa scheme that allows Palestinian individuals affected by war, to be allowed into the UK. Just like we did for Ukraine.

“This visa would provide them with an opportunity to seek refuge and reunite with their families safely in the UK. 

“By implementing this visa, the government can demonstrate its commitment to compassion, inclusivity, and supporting those who have endured the hardships of war. 

“Together, let’s urge the government to enact policies that provide a lifeline for Palestinians seeking safety and a chance to rebuild their lives safely.”

In response to the petition, the UK Government said:

“There are no plans to introduce bespoke arrangements for people arriving from the region. Those wishing to come to the UK who currently have no visa can apply under one of the existing visa routes.”

In the House of Commons on Tuesday, Thewliss questioned why the UK Government was not waiving the requirement for Palestinians to register biometrics.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The UK Government are showing a blatant disregard for Palestinians who wish to escape a war zone to reunite with family in the UK. At present, people can’t escape Gaza without having biometrics registered – but there’s no facility to do this. The UK Government has it within their power to waive this requirement, and it’s deeply concerning that they won’t do so.

“The petition by Gaza Families Reunited creates a clear and coherent plan which the UK Government must listen to. Hundreds of thousands of people are gravely concerned about this situation and it is high time that the UK Government took action.

“I fully support this petition and hope that as MPs, we will soon have the opportunity to debate this issue in the Commons and hold the UK Government to account.”


Alison Thewliss, the SNP’s Home Affairs Spokesperson, has questioned the Prime Minister’s commitment to defeating Russia at Prime Minister’s Questions today.

Prior to PMQs today, Thewliss met with Ukranian Member of Parliament, Mykola Stefanchuk who was also in the public gallery.

In her question to the Prime Minister, Thewliss asked:

“Ukranian MP, Mykola Stefanchuk is in the public gallery this afternoon.

“Mykola told me that Ukraine has the people, Ukraine has the courage, but Ukraine does not currently have the weapons and air defence to secure her freedom.

“The latest Russian attack on Chernihiv this morning has sadly killed at least 10 people and injured many more.

“Can I ask the Prime Minister, will he respond to President Zelensky’s statement that this would not have happened if Ukraine had sufficient defence equipment?”

Following the attack on Chernihiv today, President Zelensky shared his views on social media website, X.

In his tweet, he said:

“Chernihiv. A rescue operation is underway following a Russian missile strike. There are people under the rubble. As of now, 20 people are reported to have been injured and ten killed. My condolences to their close ones.

“Unfortunately, the death toll may still rise. This would not have happened if Ukraine had received a sufficient number of air defense systems and if the world’s determination to counter Russian terror had been sufficient.

“Terrorists can only destroy lives if they first intimidate those who can stop terror and save lives. Determination matters. Support matters.

“The Ukrainian determination is sufficient. There must be equally sufficient determination from our partners and, as a result, sufficient support.”

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The people of Ukraine are bravely defending their country against a well-equipped adversary. We cannot afford to turn a blind eye to the situation in Ukraine.

“The UK must increase its efforts by providing increased military aid, including defensive weaponry, as well as humanitarian support to address the growing humanitarian crisis.”

“It is high time the Prime Minister took significant action to strengthen the UK’s commitment to defeating Russia. The future of Ukraine and the principles of international law are at stake.”



A Glasgow Central constituent has received the Scottish Welfare Fund payment after contacting their local Member of Parliament.

The constituent initially contacted the office to say he had moved into sheltered housing and had requested furniture from the Scottish Welfare Fund.

Initially, the constituent was informed that this would take between 1-2 weeks.

However, the due date elapsed and informed the constituent that it may take 3-4 weeks.

The constituent had requested for roller blinds and flooring to give him privacy.

Due to their health condition, the constituent was experiencing large amounts of stress.

After contacting the Glasgow Central constituency office, Alison Thewliss MP and her team were able to get in touch with the Scottish Welfare Fund who confirmed that the furniture would be delivered.

After receiving his furniture, the constituent enquired about receiving a Community Care Grant for clothing.

The constituent had been initially living in Australia and after arriving in the UK, they could not afford warm clothing and needed to rely on family members providing clothes.

With the winter months coming in, the constituent asked for the office of Alison Thewliss MP to contact regarding this grant.

Following contact being made with the team at Glasgow City Council, the initial decision to reject the constituent’s request for this grant was overturned.

Commenting, the constituent said:

“I am so delighted to have received not only my furniture but also the Community Care Grant.

“After returning back to Scotland from Australia, I was worried about some of the issues I was going to face upon my arrival.

“However, with the help of my local MP, this process was made much easier and I can’t thank Alison enough for her support.

“I would strongly encourage anyone who finds themselves in difficult situations to contact their local MP. Too often, many people will not know that their MP is a point of contact for any issues they may face.

“But after seeing the support Alison has provided, it’s clear that the MP is there to help those who need it.”

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Over the past few months, my constituent has been so patient throughout what must have been a worrying time for them.

“My team were able to contact Glasgow City Council to gain an understanding of the issues that were being faced by the constituent and what could be done to provide further support.

“I want to give a thanks to Glasgow City Council for their continuous dialogue throughout this case and their understanding of the difficulties being faced by the constituent.

“If any Glasgow Central constituents are in need of support, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email:, or via phone call: 0141 552 7117. 

“My team are always more than happy to help with a range of issues and urge any constituent to contact my team.”



Alison Thewliss, the Member of Parliament for Glasgow Central, has urged her constituents to get in touch with her office if they are entitled to the Warm Home Discount scheme.

The Warm Home Discount Scheme is a one-off £150 discount applied to the electricity bill of any constituent who is entitled to it.

If a constituent is eligible, their electricity supplier will apply the discount to their bill by 31 March 2024.

In Scotland, you are entitled to the Warm Home Discount scheme if you:

·         get the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit

·         are on a low income in Scotland and meet your energy supplier’s criteria for the scheme

While the Warm Home Discount Scheme for winter 2023 to 2024 has closed, constituents who are entitled to this are still able to contact their supplier – in case of an issues.

Thewliss has spoken of the need for her constituents to get in touch with her office should they be having any difficulties.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“These discounts are often left unapplied for many of my constituents, so it is important that my constituents are aware of the deadline on the 31st March.

“This money can make a massive difference to the lives of so many. These times are so difficult for so many and having any form of additional money can help my constituents in this cost-of-living crisis.

“If any Glasgow Central constituents are in need of support regarding the Warm Home Discount scheme, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email:, or via phone call: 0141 552 7117. 

“My team are always more than happy to help with any constituent issues and urge any constituent to contact my team.”



Alison Thewliss, the SNP’s Home Affairs Spokesperson, has condemned the UK Government after a new report was released relating to asylum accommodation spending.

The report released today by the National Audit Office entitled ‘Investigation into asylum accommodation’ found that in the financial year to March 2024, the Home Office expects to spend £4.7 billion on asylum support, including £3.1 billion on hotels.

The report also highlights that in December 2023, the Home Office paid £274 million for up to 64,000 beds in hotels, 45,800 of which were being used.

By the end of March 2024, the Home Office expects to have spent at least £230 million on developing four large sites.

According to the report, the Home Office has also incurred losses of at least £3.4 million developing sites that it will not use.

It was highlighted in the report that while the Home Office may have made progress in its plans to reduce the number of hotels in use, a significant sum of money has been wasted.

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The Home Office has squandered a scandalous sum of money through it’s mismanagement of the asylum accommodation estate. The repeated claim by Ministers that controversial sites like the Bibby Stockholm barge, Wethersfield and Scampton would save money have been exposed as fallacy by this National Audit Office report. 

“Officials have acted in haste to meet political targets, and public funds have been filling the coffers of private companies, with very little by way of oversight. 

“The Home Office must focus instead on processing asylum cases and allowing those who have come to our shores for sanctuary to get on with rebuilding their lives, rather than leaving them languishing indefinitely in unsuitable and expensive accommodation.”



Alison Thewliss, the SNP’s Home Affairs Spokesperson, has demanded an explanation for comments made by former Home Secretary, Suella Braverman in an article for the Telegraph.

In this article, Suella Braverman claimed: “While at the Home Office, I became aware of churches around the country facilitating industrial-scale bogus asylum claims.”

Thewliss submitted a Written Parliamentary Question to the Secretary of State for the Home Department: 

‘To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, with reference to the article by the former Secretary of State for the Home Department, the Rt hon. Member for Fareham, entitled Too many churches are facilitating bogus asylum claims. This must stop, published by the Telegraph on 3 February 2024, whether his Department holds evidence of churches facilitating high levels of false asylum claims.’

In his written response, Tom Pursglove MP, the Minister of State (Minister for Legal Migration and Delivery), said: 

‘Every asylum case is determined on its individual merits and on a case by case basis. The Home Secretary and the Church are working together to better scrutinise asylum claims based on religious persecution and ensure those in genuine need are supported, and that there are no loopholes to claiming asylum in this country.’

In the Home Affairs Committee today, Thewliss grilled the Minister about the lack of answer provided to the question put to the UK Government.

During this discussion, the Minister highlighted that he couldn’t give a definitive answer on Ms Braverman’s claims, nor had he been presented with any such evidence. 

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“This is yet another deeply concerning moment for the integrity of politics in the UK.

“Neither the Minister nor his officials could provide a shred of evidence today to support Ms Braverman’s wild claims. If she can’t provide any detail to back up her accusations, she must now apologise and retract her damaging comments. 

“Words have consequences; as The Reverend Steve Tinning pointed out to committee, the Baptist Church in Weymouth supporting asylum seekers from the Bibby Stockholm has received vile threats since these allegations were made in the press. 

“Places of Worship of all kinds support asylum seekers and refugees, welcoming them and helping them to integrate in our communities. They should be thanked, not criticised, by politicians.” 



Alison Thewliss, the Member of Parliament for Glasgow Central, has condemned the Government over rising energy bills across the country.

At Prime Minister’s Questions today, Thewliss questioned the Prime Minister on whether it was the UK Government’s incompetence or Ofgem’s lack of power that has meant bills are continuing to skyrocket.

In his response, the Prime Minister was unable to provide an answer on why constituents are continuing to be hit hard by these rising costs.

Several Glasgow Central constituents have been in contact with Thewliss on this matter.

In an email to the Department for Net Zero and Energy Security in January of this year regarding the issues being faced by constituents, Thewliss said:

“While the energy price cap is set at 7p p/kw for residential properties as of 1st January 2024, the residents of Riverside Dalmarnock, which is equipped with an in-house communal heating system operated by Switch2, are paying 14.24p p/kw.

“Switch2 have clarified many times that their revenue on the heating system is derived entirely from the standing operating charge and not from the cost of energy, which is passed on by Switch2 to the customer from the supplier at cost of purchase.

“As such, my constituents continue to pay significantly above the intended energy price cap to heat their homes, in a system designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional heating. This problem has persisted throughout the cost of energy crisis and UK Government support has not successfully addressed this matter, repeatedly failing the residents of Riverside Dalmarnock.

“To that effect, I would be interested in hearing from you as to what steps the UK Government is taking to tackle this problem, in light of its commitment to shield all households from spiralling energy costs, and what particular support it may offer to my constituents on communal heat networks. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss this subject in greater detail if that were of any interest.”

In their response, the Department for Net Zero and Energy Security said:

“The Energy Act 2023 has now passed into law and will provide us with powers to regulate the heat networks sector and appoint Ofgem as regulator. The Act gives ministers powers to introduce consumer protection rules and carbon emissions limits on heat networks.

“The legislation will give Ofgem powers to investigate and intervene on networks where prices for consumers appear to be unfair, or if prices are significantly higher than comparable heating systems. Our ambition is that consumer protections will start to be regulated from Spring 2025 with price regulation beginning Spring 2026.”

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“It is completely unacceptable that my constituents need to wait until Spring of 2026 before any action is taken to halt the soaring cost of energy bills. A number of constituents in Dalmarnock served by an unregulated communal heat network have been in touch, experiencing severe financial worry, yet it seems that the UK Government and the powerless energy regulator Ofgem are just standing back and letting it happen.

“I asked the Prime Minister today whether it was the Government’s incompetency or Ofgem’s lack of powers that have caused these rising bills. His inability to provide an answer highlights the blatant disregard the UK Government has shown to these vulnerable constituents.

“In energy-rich Scotland, nobody should be forced to choose between heating their own home or putting food on the table. We must have full control over energy to ensure our people are not left in the cold this winter.”



A Glasgow Central constituent has received a refund from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) after contacting their local Member of Parliament.

The constituent contacted the office of Alison Thewliss MP to explain that they were previously receiving Income Support.

However, the constituent’s payments were stopped without any prior warning and was unclear why this had happened.

Due to the large amounts of stress the lack of support was causing, the constituent was able to contact Alison Thewliss MP in the hope that this case would be resolved.

Thewliss’s team got in touch directly with the DWP to explain the situation that the constituent was experiencing and to ask that these payments were reinstated.

Following dialogue with both the constituent and the DWP, it was explained that as the constituent’s daughter was no longer in receipt of Personal Independence Payments (PIP), it meant that their Carers Allowance came to an end and, in turn, stopped their Income Support (IS).

However, the constituent’s son was still receiving PIP and therefore meant that the constituent would still be entitled to Income Support.

After this was explained to the DWP, it was confirmed that the constituent was still entitled to the Income Support and was due a refund for the months in which they did not receive this money.

The total of this refund amounted to £2538.20.

Following this decision being made, the constituent has spoken of their delighted at receiving this refund.

Commenting, the constituent said:

“Alison’s team were a huge support in all of this, and I can’t thank them enough for everything they have done for me.

“This was a worrying time for my family, but I am just so happy that everything has now been sorted.

“If you find yourself in a similar position to mine, I’d definitely say it’s worth contacting your local MP to get the support in times of need.”

Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Over the past few months, my constituent has been so patient throughout what must have been a distressing time for them and their family.

“My team were able to contact the DWP to raise these issues and I am happy to see that these have now been resolved.

“I want to give a thanks to the DWP for their continuous dialogue throughout this case and their understanding of the difficulties being faced by the constituent.

“If any Glasgow Central constituents are in need of support, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email:, or via phone call: 0141 552 7117.

“My team are always more than happy to help with a range of issues and urge any constituent to get in touch.”