Alison Thewliss MP celebrates Nurses’ Day 2018

Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central, celebrated the work of nursing staff in the UK and around the world by meeting frontline nurses as part of the RCN’s International Nurses’ Day celebrations on Wednesday 25 April.

The event in Parliament brought together MPs and nurses and give Ms Thewliss the opportunity to hear about the valuable contributions nursing staff make to patient care. Nursing is a highly-skilled profession and nursing staff care for patients in a variety of settings such as, at music festivals, in prisons and in accident and emergency departments.

Nurses’ Day is an international event held annually on Florence Nightingale’s birthday (12 May). This year, the RCN is showcasing nurses’ dedication to delivering outstanding patient care and the innovative and diverse roles nurses have in healthcare teams. The RCN is also encouraging nursing staff to use the hashtag #ThisNurse to share stories of colleagues who went the extra mile to provide patient care and times which reminded them why there are nursing in 2018.

Alison Thewliss MP said:

“Nurses’ Day is a fantastic way to show our support for nursing staff in our health and care services. It’s our chance to thank them for the care they provide to our families, friends, neighbours and colleagues. I encourage everyone to celebrate the remarkable work of nursing staff in Glasgow and across Scotland.”

Janet Davies, Chief Executive and General Secretary of the Royal College of Nursing, said

“Nursing is a dynamic profession with caring for people at its heart. Nurses’ Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the incredible work nursing staff do every single day of the year.

“There is no ‘one size fits all’ rule for nursing staff. They work in a variety of settings and have a diverse range of skills. But what unties them all is their dedication, even in difficult circumstances, to delivering outstanding patient care.”

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