City MP urges council to reject student housing planning application

On the eve of a meeting of Glasgow City Council’s planning committee, the MP for the city centre has issued a last minute plea to Councillors to reject a planning application that would “dwarf” the city’s historic Mackintosh building.

A proposal will go before Councillors tomorrow which, if approved, would allow a large student housing development to be built immediately to the south of Glasgow School of Art’s Mackintosh building.

Alison Thewliss MP said:

This development is completely and utterly inappropriate and should be rejected without hesitation. The fact that so many objections have been submitted should speak volumes to the city’s planning committee.

“I visited Glasgow School of Art only recently and it’s absolutely clear that this development would significantly dwarf this unique Grade A listed building. The Mackintosh building is a precious part of Glasgow’s skyline and this should be protected. The scale of the proposed development would also restrict light into the building, which is crucial to the functioning of the School of Art.

“Glasgow is becoming saturated with student accommodation, with little assessment of either the need for this, the impact on local communities or on the wider landscape of the city.

“I hope the Council will take on board the significant concerns raised and throw these plans out unconditionally”.

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