A Glasgow Central constituent has ended a longstanding dispute with Openreach after contacting their local MP.
The constituent contacted the office of Alison Thewliss MP in February of 2022, highlighting issues with potholes in the Govan area.
With the number of potholes and the constant bouncing of buses and trucks on these broken roads, the constituent’s home was experiencing a large amount of vibrations – causing difficulties with sleep.
After dialogue with Glasgow City Council, it was highlighted that it would be Openreach who would need to deal with the case.
A box which was installed by Openreach was also seen to be causing a large amount of noise in the area, which the constituent highlighted in her emails to the office.
With the support of Alison Thewliss MP, the constituent was able to highlight the key areas which were causing the most amount of problems.
Openreach contacted the office of Alison Thewliss MP and the constituent to confirm that the works would be completed on the 1st March, ending the longstanding issues faced over the past year.
After confirmation from Openreach that the works had been completed, the constituent contacted the office of Alison Thewliss MP to extend her thanks for the support.
Commenting, the constituent said:
“I am so relieved to have these issues resolved. I have faced a year of difficulties, and it is great to be able to live in the comfort of my own home without the worry of not being able to have a good sleep.
“I can’t thank Alison and her team enough for the support they have given me in this case. The patience and dedication shown by the team is something which I am extremely grateful for.
“It has been a long time since this case was started with Alison’s team, and I am delighted to see it has finally been resolved.”
Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:
“I am delighted to see this case has been resolved with the constituent. This case has been going on for more than a year, and I can’t begin to imagine how difficult the past year must have been.
“While my team were in touch with Openreach, my constituent has been so patient and understood the issues we faced in this case.
“I also want to extend a thanks to the Openreach, who were also very helpful in this issue and were in regular dialogue with my team about this case.
“As mentioned by the constituent, it will be such a relief to be able to live in their home without worry, and I hope this will make a massive difference to their life.
“If any Glasgow Central constituents have issues they wish to raise, please do not hesitate to contact my office via email:, or via phone call: 0141 552 7117. My team are always more than happy to help with any constituent issues and urge any constituent to contact my team.”

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