A Glasgow Central constituent has had a Universal Credit sanction rightfully overturned, after reaching out to the DWP and his local MP.
The constituent contacted the DWP in September 2022 to discuss a recent UC sanction imposed upon him, asking for this to be reviewed.
Due to being up late at night preparing for an upcoming job interview, the constituent slept in the following morning and missed a single appointment at the job centre. 
The constituent contacted the DWP one hour after the missed appointment and offered to attend later in the day however he received no response to this.
Following the missed appointment, the DWP imposed a sanction in the form of £11 a day over the course of 25 days, totalling £275.
After regular discussion between the DWP and Alison Thewliss, the decision to impose the Universal Credit sanction was overturned and the original amount paid was received.
Commenting, the Glasgow Central constituent explained:
“I am so delighted to have had this Universal Credit sanction overturned. This situation has been extremely stressful, and I am so relieved to be able to receive this money.
“After leaving university, it has been difficult enough trying to pay the rent without sanctions such as these being put upon me.
“The difficult thing for me was knowing the work and effort I was putting in to try and get a job and having all this work thrown right back in my face by an unfair sanction made the situation even worse.
“Alison and her team made the process of getting this sanction overturned as stress-free as it possibly could be, and I can’t thank them enough for this.
“I hope that others who might be in a similar situation will be able to see that there is hope and I would urge anyone to contact their local MP if they are experiencing issues of their own.”
Commenting, Alison Thewliss MP said:
“When the constituent first approached my office, it was clear that the sanction imposed upon him was extremely unfair.
“My team were able to contact the DWP and received a response advising that, as expected the constituent would receive the original amount.
“If constituents have been sanctioned and feel this is unfair, they are entitled to ask the decision is looked at again. This is known as a Mandatory Reconsideration.
“Frustratingly, this very small issue caused the DWP to react disproportionately – I am glad they have accepted this was wrong.
“I also want to give a huge thanks to the constituent, who has been so patient during all of this. I can imagine this would have been a distressing time for him, and I’m so glad he was able to have the sanction overturned and receive the money he was rightfully owed.
“My team are always available for constituents to contact us, not only on DWP issues, and I urge anyone to do so on any matter during this difficult cost-of-living crisis.”

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