On International Womens Day, Alison Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central, has urged the Government to go further to support breastfeeding mothers.

Speaking in her capacity as the chair of the APPG on Infant Feeding, Thewliss will lead a debate in Parliament today calling for new policy to support new mothers to make informed decisions regarding their child’s nutrition in the face of unclear messaging and manipulative advertising by formula producers.

Thewliss has been a champion for new policies that encourage breastfeeding, such as urging football clubs across Scotland to declare their stadiums breastfeeding friendly.

The debate is expected to commence at 16:30 and can be watched on

Speaking ahead of the debate, Alison Thewliss MP said:

“The debate today is a great opportunity to highlight the many challenges which breastfeeding mothers face.

“A recent report by the World Health Organisation shows that more than half of pregnant women and new parents have been targeted by formula marketing.

“I hope the debate today will be a chance to highlight the findings of the report by WHO – drawing attention to the predatory marketing of formula milk all over the world.

“The formula milk industry is worth $55 billion globally, and this report shows that profits are made from unethical marketing targeting new parents at a vulnerable time.

“The implementation of the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes in the UK would be a huge step towards ensuring that proper, impartial information is provided to new parents.

“The Government should listen to the debate today and ensure that action is taken sooner rather than later to tackle the aggressive marketing of formula in the UK.”

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