“Shameless” Prime Minister condemned by SNP MP

Alison Thewliss, SNP MP for Glasgow Central, today branded the Prime Minister shameless for shrugging off repeated international condemnation for his welfare policies.

Ms Thewliss was questioning Prime Minister David Cameron in the House of Commons today (Wednesday 6th July) about recent United Nations condemnation for UK welfare cuts.

The UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) has published a damning new report on the UK’s implementation of economic, social and cultural rights. The Glasgow MP asked the Prime Minister how much more international condemnation was needed before he scrapped his regressive welfare policies, including plans to limit tax credits to two children and a rape clause mechanism.

Ms Thewliss commented:

“Yet again the Prime Minister has behaved in the most utterly shameless way possible by brushing off my calls to respect UN concerns about economic, social and cultural rights, which are clearly impeded by these regressive welfare policies.

“I’m appalled that the Prime Minister can casually dismiss major concerns from highly respected institutions such as the United Nations.

“The rape clause and two child policy, as well as many other welfare changes, take us down a deeply damaging path to social engineering and it will heap further misery on already vulnerable people.

“The Prime Minister needs to put his pride aside and scrap these cruel policies.”

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