Thewliss in Kit House Factory visit

Alison Thewliss, SNP MP for Glasgow Central, recently visited the CCG off site manufacturing factory in Glasgow, which produced many of the homes in the Dalmarnock Athletes’ Village.

Thewliss is a member of the Commons Communities and Local Government select committee, which is currently undertaking an inquiry into the housebuilding industry. She has hailed CCG’s house building techniques as being revolutionary and a model which others should look to.

CCG has a well-developed model of building timber properties within its Glasgow factory. The facility stretches to 130,000 square feet and is capable of producing over 3,000 buildings every year.

Alison Thewliss MP said:

“My visit to CCG was absolutely fascinating – the work they are doing is nothing short of revolutionary and it’s great to see such a high quality product being assembled quite so rapidly. CCG have worked hard to make house building more efficient, dramatically reducing the time taken to construct new homes.

“CCG is a remarkable firm based in Glasgow with over 600 employees and a turnover of £120 million per year. I was particularly impressed with the strong emphasis they’ve put on training and apprenticeships, which will go some way to dealing with some of the skills shortages within the construction industry.

“As the CLG committee continues to look at capacity in the housebuilding industry, I am very hopeful that we’ll be able to take a closer look at the impressive work CCG is doing in Scotland.”

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