This MP Can: Alison Thewliss MP supports This Girl Can campaign

Glasgow Central MP Alison Thewliss MP has lent her support to the This Girl Can campaign, which is helping millions of women and girls get active.

Sport England first launched the campaign in 2015 in response to the fact fewer women than men were regularly active – despite 75 per cent saying they would like to do more. It has received widespread praise for its realistic and empowering portrayal of women and girls, and to date has encouraged more than 2.8 million women to take up more sport or physical activity as a result.

Alison Thewliss MP met the This Girl Can team in Parliament to mark the launch of the next phase of the National Lottery funded campaign. With a range of new adverts featuring real women and girls playing sport and taking part in activities, from rugby to roller derby to ju-jitsu and mum and baby classes, This Girl Can is proving that no matter what your age, ability or interest is, there is an activity for everyone.

Glasgow Central MP Alison Thewliss MP said:

“I’m proud to support the This Girl Can campaign to get more women and girls active. The record numbers of women playing sport show that This Girl Can has really struck a chord but clearly more needs to be done. I am delighted that This Girl Can is showing a variety of sports that can be enjoyed at any stage of life, regardless of age, ability or experience.“

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